Price list

Introduction - first consultation / 80 €

  • getting to know the motivation for change, needs and expectations
  • looking into previous experiences in the context of dieting
  • discussion of the possible causes of previous failures
  • basic nutrition education
  • initial definition of the aims of the cooperation and outline of its different stages
  • providing the first tips on which changes to introduce in the current diet and lifestyle
  • selection of the optimal solution in terms of cooperation
  • providing materials for the next appointment and suggestion of diagnostics taking into account the current health status and financial capacities

Action strategy - second consultation / 80 €

  • detailed discussion of the health status, symptoms experienced, physical activity level
  • thorough analysis of the food diary and setting-up of the strategy of action (caloric value of the diet, hours and schedule of meals, taste preferences)
  • weight and body composition measurement
  • determining the final cost of the Diet Therapy Program (depending on how complicated the clinical case is)

Development and collection of the Diet Therapy Program / 150 - 250 €

Check the program options and prices

  • development of an individual Diet Therapy Program within 7 working days of the last consultation
  • providing tools for further cooperation – discussion of the prepared Diet Therapy Program and the rules of using the Patient’s Dietary Companion
  • summary of the assumptions we will be focusing on until the next appointment
  • answers to any questions

Progress monitoring / 50 €

  • progress monitoring
  • highlighting the assumptions met
  • discussion of what is difficult, introduction of the alternative solutions
  • further nutrition education, work on raising pro-health awareness
  • introduction of possible adjustments* to the Diet Therapy Program

* The maximum cost of subsequent optional adjustments to the Program is 200 €. Decision on the need to introduce changes is made by you in consultation with the leading dietician, taking into account the effects achieved, seasonality of food products and your need to vary your diet.

** Cooperation with Agnieszka Kułaga is priced individually.

Diet Therapy Program

The Diet Therapy Program you receive from us after the second appointment is much more than just a ready-to-use meal plan.

It is a set of tools tailored to your current needs and situation, which is supposed to be a starting point, a base for further adjustments. The Diet Therapy Program evolves as your knowledge and independence in nutrition increases, making it easier to continue the introduced changes until conscious dietary choices become your daily routine.

Our dietary programs are often as many as 150-200 pages devoted to you and what brings you to us.

Learn more about the Diet Therapy Program

Diet Therapy Programs price list

Schedule your first consultation

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